Frequently Asked Questions
You can reschedule or cancel an appointment by contacting us at least 24 hours in advance. If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours, we will unfortunately be forced to charge the full amount for your appointment.
A valid identification card
Indoor (sports) shoes
Documents from your referring physician, if applicable
The first appointment lasts 60 minutes. We start the appointment with a thorough intake interview to identify your complaint(s) and needs. This is followed by a physical examination, if indicated. We take the time that is necessary.
When the above has been thoroughly mapped out, we will start the treatment at the same or the next appointment.
First of all, we would like to invite you to meet us. You do not need any sportswear for this. We will then show you our studio and together we will look at how we can best help you reach your goals. Once this is clear, we will make an intake appointment where we will perform various tests and measurements that apply to your goal(s) and training.
- Tram 12, Maasstraat stop:
- Tram 12, Waalstraat stop:
- From Station Amsterdam RAI, on foot:
- From Station Amsterdam Rai, tram 4 or bus 62:
- Access by car: parking rates Amsterdam
- Paid parking in the surrounding residential area for the regular zone rate
- Parking rates Amsterdam Amsterdam
You do not need a referral for personal training, physiotherapy and manual therapy. However, a referral is required to get reimbursed by your insurance company for a ‘chronic indication’, for example rehabilitation after surgery.
Our therapists are eminently qualified to make an adequate diagnosis. In case of doubt, the physiotherapist will refer you to your (general) practitioner or a specialist from our network.
We recommend that you inform your doctor that you are being treated by one of our therapists.
You will receive an invoice from us which you can submit to the insurance company after payment. Depending on your supplementary policy, in most cases you will receive a full or partial refund. More information and the exact amount can be obtained from your insurance company.

Our Vision

No six-week transformations or quick fixes, but training and therapy for long-term health, using the best available evidence in science.
Our approach is based on you, our client. Symptoms such as pain are often the reason for an appointment. However, what is the actual problem and what do you want to be able to do again? The answer to those questions is usually broader than the physical approach of a conventional physiotherapist and/or trainer. Sometimes there is no quick fix and the solution isn’t sexy. Think of it as a change in behavior.
Based on our expertise, we try to get to the core of your complaint(s) and find the most suitable solution.
Unfortunately we cannot offer any guarantees. Anyone who claims otherwise often only achieves short-term results and lacks transparency. We help you take control of your situation. We need you for that.